Hanamkonda, November 2: In a joint operation, the Kakatiya University Campus police and Task Force police busted a counterfeit currency ring and arrested four persons on Thursday. The suspects were seized with Rs 4 lakh counterfeit notes in 500 denominations, Rs 85,000 in genuine Rs 500 notes, two vehicles, and material essential for making counterfeit currency.
The mastermind behind the racket was identified as Porika Raj Kumar from Ghanpur (Mulugu), who had a history of involvement in crime. He allegedly collaborated with Rajesh, Boora Srikanth, and Manthena Kavya to offer a commission to one Pathan from Nanded in exchange for finding potential clients interested in counterfeit currency. Raj Kumar claimed that he could provide counterfeit notes at double the face value.
Pathan then dispatched Omkar Viswanatha Rao Boore, Kawal, and Sambaji to Hanamkonda to purchase counterfeit currency from Raj Kumar. They had provided him with Rs 2 lakh in genuine cash, in exchange for which Raj Kumar provided them with black-coloured notes, cut to the size of Rs 500 notes. Raj Kumar instructed them that the notes could be converted into genuine Rs 500 notes by washing them in a hypo solution.
However, the police authorities apprehended Raj Kumar at Chintagattu Bridge while he was delivering the counterfeit currency to the other three suspects. The other three too were nabbed later, while efforts are on to arrest the other three absconding suspects.
Warangal Police Commissioner Ambar Kishore Jha commended the KUC police and Task Force personnel for their efforts in apprehending the suspects.
This incident highlights the importance of being vigilant and aware of the signs of counterfeit currency. If you encounter any suspicious notes, it is important to report them to the police immediately.