Police Search for Suspect After Woman Stabbed in Warangal

Group I


Woman Stabbed in Broad Daylight in Warangal

A 36-year-old woman was stabbed in broad daylight in Wardhannapet town in Warangal district on Monday. The victim, Shivratri Yakamma, was attacked by one Kondeti Raju of the same town.

According to the locals, the attack occurred when Yakamma was walking home from work. Raju reportedly approached her from behind and stabbed her several times on the back and other parts with a knife.

Yakamma collapsed to the ground, bleeding profusely. Locals rushed her to Warangal MGM Hospital, where she is currently undergoing treatment. Raju fled the scene after the attack, and the police have launched a hunt for him.

Police Investigation

The police are yet to ascertain the motive behind the attack. However, they suspect that it may be a case of personal enmity.

The police are also investigating whether Raju was acting alone or was part of a larger gang.

Community Response

The local community has expressed shock and outrage over the incident. Many people have taken to social media to demand justice for Yakamma.

A few local organizations have also announced that they will be holding protests to raise awareness about the issue of violence against women.

Safety Guidelines

Women are advised to take the following safety precautions to avoid being victims of violence:

  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid walking alone at night.
  • If you are walking alone, choose well-lit and populated areas.
  • Let someone know where you are going and when you expect to be back.
  • Carry a pepper spray or other self-defense weapon.
  • Trust your instincts and if you feel unsafe, leave the area immediately.

If you are a victim of violence, please report it to the police immediately.

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