Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, PM Modi said that the NaMo Bharat train is a symbol of India’s progress and development. He said that the train will provide a fast and affordable mode of transportation for people in the NCR, and will help to boost the region’s economy.
The NaMo Bharat train is a 10-coach train with a seating capacity of 750 passengers. The train has been equipped with state-of-the-art features, including automatic train operation (ATO), passenger information systems, and CCTV cameras.
The train will operate between Sahibabad and Duhai Depot stations from 6:30 AM to 11:00 PM, with a frequency of 15 minutes. The journey between the two stations will take approximately 17 minutes.
The NaMo Bharat train is a significant milestone in the development of India’s transportation infrastructure. The train is expected to revolutionize intercity travel in the NCR, and will benefit millions of people on a daily basis.
Here are some of the benefits of the RRTS:
Overall, the NaMo Bharat train is a significant development for India’s transportation infrastructure. The train is expected to revolutionize intercity travel in the NCR, and will benefit millions of people on a daily basis.